
Caleb Sima


CSA AI Security Initiative


Caleb serves as the Chair of CSA AI Security Initiative. Prior Caleb served as Chief Security Officer at Robinhood where he focused on keeping customers safe. Prior to Robinhood he was Security CTO at Databricks a leading data analytics and machine learning company where he built the security team from the ground up. Previously he was a Managing VP at CapitalOne, where he spearheaded many of their security initiatives. Prior to CapitalOne, Caleb was CEO of Armorize which was acquired by Proofpoint. He also founded SPI Dynamics and BlueBox security, which were acquired by HP and Lookout. He is attributed as one of the pioneers of application security and holds multiple patents in the space and is also the author of Web Hacking Exposed. He serves as an advisor, investor, and board member for security companies.


Navigating our future battlefield: Exploring the Intersection of Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence


In today's digital landscape, the convergence of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI) presents both unprecedented opportunities and daunting challenges. As AI technologies rapidly evolve, they are increasingly integrated into cybersecurity systems to detect, prevent, and respond to complex threats. This panel delves into the dynamic intersection of cybersecurity and AI within the context of future market structure and trends. It will shed light on key areas of innovation vs those that may be overhyped. We will also discuss how organs can get their dev teams to shift left and incorporate more proactive security measures in the development process.

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